When I walked to the top of the dunes I was amazed at the size of the crowds, the kites in the air
and the people on the beach.
Kites of every conceivable size and shape and color were lifted aloft in the strong sea breeze.
The beach was planted with pennants and flags, and the next day when I returned, I discovered
these whimsical penguins further up the beach.
Since the wind was mild on that day, it was taking a lot of kid power to try to get this big ball aloft.
These ducks though were impervious to the breezes as they were anchored in the sand.
The children were enchanted with this group of Minions. I especially liked this cyclops Minion dressed in a hula skirt.
Getting this horse aloft in the light air was another problem.
But eventually success was achieved and he galloped against the bright blue sky.
This colorful octopus was another attraction, as it did not have a lot of weight it rose easily.
Streams of bubbles added to the festivity, with the children reaching up to the sky to break them.
While the large creation never did fly in the soft breeze while I was there, the long tailed Manta Ray
had no trouble.
This large lizard was able to raise its ugly head with the help of its offspring.
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