Friday, October 10, 2008


We just returned from a wonderful barge-bike in the Alsace-Lorraine part of France, preceded by 2 days in Paris. With what is going on in the financial market here and around the world we feel lucky to have been able to do this before the bottom fell out - so I'd like to share just a few on my too many photos.

Arriving in Paris after an overnight plane ride, checking into our hotel and grabbing lunch and a quick nap, we took a long evening walk to see the Eiffel Tower at night. Along the way was my favorite bridge, the Pont Alexandre III, equally beautiful at night.

The Seine has been the driving force of Paris since prehistoric times. Canoes dating back to 4,500 BC have been unearthed in recent excavations and today it is a great way to see Paris.

On the way to the Eiffel Tower to catch a boat, we went to the top of the Arc de Triomphe for an overview of the city and the Champs-Elysees.

At the Eiffel Tower we boarded a boat for a trip on the Seine.

The Pont Alexandre III is just as lovely at night.

Some interesting views from the boat.

Notre-Dame on the Ile de la Cite. Pope Alexandre III laid the first cornerstone in 1163 on the site of a Roman temple, and it took 170 years to complete.

Some of the native wildlife.

1 comment:

Sandy Sandy Art said...

I'm especially impressed by your Eiffel Tower at night. One day, I hope to make it over there! The bathers are interesting.....hummm, UGGG, hummm! :-)