Monday, June 20, 2011


As with every other day in this beautiful part of Italy, it has been difficult to choose from my many photos which few to put on my blog.

When walking out the front door of the Hotel Terme Merano, this is the view that greets you.

The Passirio River roars right through town, at least this time of the year. We decided to spend what little time we had here exploring the Sisi Gardens, just a few blocks from our hotel.

Sisi, so called by her husband, was Empress Elisabeth of Austria and queen of Hungary in the latter part of the 17th century. She often visited Merano and made an important contribution to the development of this health resort.

Entering the extensive part which extend along both sides of the river on several levels, the first thing we saw was this tree house. My husband would have loved to play in it as a child.

The view of the river is ever present, and is always beautiful

After crossing a bridge at one point, we found this giant "Chia Figure" of Atlas holding the world.

The flowers were beautiful, everywhere,

After a several hour walk, we re-entered the city of Merano where the gardens continued, even more beautiful if possible.

My husband was glad that we wouldn't be staying for the fair which was being set up.

But I did appreciate the mimes who were already working the square.

And I will not forget my last look at the river of Merano, as we leave for our last two days in Verano.

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