Sunday, April 1, 2012


Several weeks ago at full moon the surrounding mountains were still covered with snow. The skiing was still good and spring seem far away. We made a hurried trip to Montrose, west of Crested Butte and at a lower altitude where spring always comes early.
The ice on Blue Mesa showed signs of weakening and striations of thinning appeared across the surface.
These two big horn sheep had come down from higher altitudes to seek food and water.
But they shortly headed back up to their home ground and away from our intrusion.
Heading back to home the first cattle drive was under way, moving the cows to greener pastures.
But there are always some that prefer the middle of the road!
Now ever Flat Top mountain sits atop a brown base.
The roads are clear and last year's grass is beginning to appear everywhere.
However the ski area is open for another week, the people are still flying down the slopes, wary of ice and bare spots, and children of all ages are enjoying the half pipe, visible from our living room.
Our yard becomes more bare of snow every day and we have begun our spring clean-up. Hello MUD SEASON!!

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